Why are schools promoting this deceitful film?But in Australia, the Education Department is introducing 'An Inconvenient Truth' into the national curriculum to teach students about environmental sustainability across all subjects.
Andrew Bolt
Wednesday, October 27, 2010 at 11:46am
The film is error-riddled and alarmist, and the work of a prize hypocrite and deceiver who dodges any attempt to hold him to account. Even an otherwise sympathetic British judge says the film contains so many errors that it should not be used in classrooms without a health warning.
But in Australia....
This is what has Andrew Bolt, and other activist AGW deniers, rather exercised.
Other activist AGW deniers include Geoffrey Brown of the Climate Skeptic Party. They are really an astroturf outfit. As I shall show.
I have in my hot little hands, a few emails, forwarded to me by someone on his mailing list.
----- Forwarded Message ----
From: Geoffrey Brown
To: Geoff Brown
Sent: Wed, 27 October, 2010 10:04:04 AM
Subject: Re Schools Curricula and Al GoreG'day AllI find it very disturbing to read today that AL Gore's Science Fiction Movie is to be included in Australian Schools Curricula. I sure that you will remember that the British High Court ruled that it was Alarmist and contained nine significant errors. Mr Justice Burton......said that some of the claims were wrong and had arisen in “the context of alarmism and exaggeration”. Quotes from The Times which goes on to detail errors.Today we read in the MSM that it is going to be included in the curricula of schools around the country. The reports include:The Herald-Sun (letters hsletters@heraldsun.com.au)Al Gore film An Inconvenient Truth included in school curriculumThere is an on-line poll on that Herald-Sun Page.The Daily Telegraph (Letters letters@dailytelegraph.com.au )Climate change film An Inconvenient Truth for Australian schoolsI suggest that we all write to the newspapers, but I also suggest that we contact MPs (at least your own local MP) and Senators. Lists attached.How dare they!Geoff

The wrong way for Geoff's "TCS Thinkers and Writers" is where it ended. But, he tried:TCS Thinkers and WritersHey all,As Bill tells me: Another day another poll.Do you think that Al Gore's An Inconvenient Truth should be shown to Australian school children?
It's going the wrong way at the moment.CheersGeoff
Poll: An Inconvenient Truth for schools
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