Saturday, November 18, 2006

Worldcoolers: Canada shamed, Stern summarised

I've just joined up to Worldcoolers, a grass-roots Internet network that's spreading the news on developments covering global warming, a field that's moving at a cracking pace now. It's essentially a news-alerts collective, a networked human aggregator. Here are the first two articles I spotted via their desktop application:

There's a story about Canada's pitiful attempt at reaching their Kyoto targets :::[Worldcoolers]

Kyoto committed Canada to cutting emissions by 6 percent from 1990 levels by 2012. Emissions are now 35 percent above that target and are set to rise more rapidly as oil-rich tar sands are opened up in western Canada, which happens to be the Conservatives' power base.

And a BBC At-A-Glance Stern Report Review. :::[Worldcoolers]

  • Extreme weather could reduce global gross domestic product (GDP) by up to 1%
  • A two to three degrees Celsius rise in temperatures could reduce global economic output by 3%
  • If temperatures rise by five degrees Celsius, up to 10% of global output could be lost. The poorest countries would lose more than 10% of their output
  • In the worst case scenario global consumption per head would fall 20%

  • To stabilise at manageable levels, emissions would need to stabilise in the next 20 years and fall between 1% and 3% after that. This would cost 1% of GDP

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    Anonymous said...

    WorldCoolers man, not WaterCoolers :-)

    Wadard said...
